Door Reversal Wine Fridge

When searching for a wine fridge on the coolersomm website one of the filtering trees offered is 'features'. Recently we looked into the data behind what our customers were searching for when looking for a wine fridge and the results were interesting.

Aside from price, which 46% of searchers filter for immediately, the most commonly selected features of a wine fridge search were i) number of zones ii) decibel level iii) carbon filter iv) winter system and v) reversible door.

Over the next 2-3 weeks we're going to deep-dive into each of these features and discuss why each are important, under what circumstances may they be necessary and whether these features are also applicable to your wine fridge search. So whether you're looking for a freestanding wine fridge, a built-in, integrated, dual zone or a wine fridge cabinet, today we're going to discuss the importance of a reversible door.

All our wine fridges come hinged on the right but around half of them can have their door side reversed. This literally involves flipping the fridge through a 180 degree angle and reattaching the hinges that were once on the right, to the same door but on the left. If your wine fridges has a logo, or a design that is no completely symmetrical, this can cause issues visually. If your wine fridge has a lock or an operative panel on the door itself, a door reversal wont be possible.

Why reverse the door on a wine fridge?

There could be many reasons a wine lover may want to reverse the door on their wine fridge and have it open from right to left instead of vice versa.

1. Optimise Space Utilisation

Maximising Accessibility

In many homes, especially those with compact kitchens or dedicated wine storage areas, space is at a premium. The direction your wine fridge door opens can make a significant difference in how easily you can access your bottles. If your wine fridge is positioned next to a wall or in a corner, a door that opens the wrong way can obstruct your access and make it difficult to reach inside. Reversing the door swing ensures that you can open the door fully and reach your wine collection without any hindrance.

Enhancing Layout Efficiency

Every inch counts in small kitchens or tight spaces. Reversing the door swing can help you create a more efficient layout. For instance, if your wine fridge is placed near a high-traffic area, such as next to a stove or a frequently used cabinet, changing the door’s direction can prevent it from blocking those crucial spots, allowing for smoother kitchen operations.

2. Improve Convenience and Flow

Harmonising with Your Kitchen Workflow

Your kitchen should work seamlessly with your daily routines. If you find yourself frequently bumping into the wine fridge door or maneuvering awkwardly to get your favorite bottle, it’s a sign that the door swing needs to be adjusted. By reversing the door, you can create a more natural and fluid movement around your kitchen, making your wine fridge more user-friendly.

Customising to Your Preferences

Everyone’s kitchen habits and preferences are unique. Perhaps you are left-handed, or you have a preferred side from which you like to grab your wine. Reversing the door swing allows you to tailor your wine fridge to your specific needs, enhancing your overall experience.

3. Aesthetics and Design

Achieving a Cohesive Look

A well-designed kitchen or wine cellar is not only about functionality but also about aesthetics. If the door of your wine fridge opens in a way that clashes with the overall design or disrupts the visual flow, reversing it can contribute to a more harmonious look. This small change can make your space look more thoughtfully designed and visually pleasing.

Matching Other Appliances

Many kitchens have a range of appliances with doors that open in specific directions for a unified appearance. If your wine fridge’s door swing is inconsistent with the rest of your appliances, reversing it can create a more cohesive and polished look.

Creating the 'French doors' effect

Those purchasing wine fridges often purchase two, put them next to one another, and have them open out from the middle, reversing one door. This creates an attractive look where the doors open from a central point.

4. Safety Considerations

Preventing Accidents

A door that opens in the wrong direction can pose a safety risk. It might cause you to bump into other appliances or kitchen elements, leading to potential accidents. Reversing the door can help minimise these risks, creating a safer environment for you and your family.

Protecting Your Wine Collection

A properly functioning door ensures that your wine fridge maintains its temperature and humidity levels. If the door doesn’t open and close smoothly, it might not seal correctly, affecting the conditions inside the fridge. By reversing the door swing to match your space, you can ensure that it closes properly every time, protecting your valuable wine collection.

How do I reverse the door on a wine fridge?

Reversing the door is very common operation and if your particular wine fridge has a reversible door there will be instructions on how to do that in the manual. However, it's essential to get the reversal absolutely level and ensure that the door is closing against the seal with 100% accuracy. Any mistake here and air will get into your cooler, cause ice on the back wall and damage your wine fridge's ability to cool. For this reason we offer the service of door reversal before delivery and it's an option you can select on our product pages when purchasing a wine fridge. 

If you want to reverse the door itself, firstly, look at the manufacturers instructions and if its a large wine fridge, enrol a friend. Wine fridge doors are heavy and cumbersome hold, made of glass, if they are dropped, they can break and shatter.

Step 1: Unplug the Wine Fridge

Safety first! Ensure the wine fridge is unplugged to avoid any electrical hazards while working.

Step 2: Empty the Fridge

Remove all the bottles and shelves from the wine fridge. This not only prevents damage to your wine but also makes the fridge lighter and easier to handle.

Step 3: Identify the Hinge Configuration

Take a moment to inspect your fridge and identify the hinge configuration. Most wine fridges have hinges that can be unscrewed and relocated to the opposite side, check yours does before beginning. Look for the screws securing the hinges to the fridge body and door.

Step 4: Remove the Top Hinge

Using your screwdriver, remove the screws holding the top hinge in place. Carefully lift the door off the bottom hinge and set it aside. Keep the screws and hinge hardware in a safe place; you’ll need them later.

Step 5: Remove the Bottom Hinge

Next, remove the screws from the bottom hinge and take the hinge off. If your wine fridge has a middle hinge (common in larger models), repeat this process for the middle hinge as well.

Step 6: Relocate the Hinges

Locate the pre-drilled holes on the opposite side of the fridge. These holes are typically covered with plastic plugs. Use a flat-head screwdriver to gently pry the plugs out.

Step 7: Install the Bottom Hinge

Attach the bottom hinge to the opposite side of the fridge using the screws you removed earlier. Ensure the hinge is aligned correctly and tightly secured.

Step 8: Prepare the Door

If the door has handles or any hardware that needs to be relocated, now is the time to remove and reinstall them on the opposite side. Some doors have reversible handles, while others might require you to flip them upside down.

Step 9: Attach the Door

Position the door onto the bottom hinge. Ensure it’s properly seated and aligned.

Step 10: Install the Top Hinge

Attach the top hinge on the opposite side of the fridge. Use the screws to secure it in place, ensuring it’s tightly fastened. If your fridge has a middle hinge, install it now.

Step 11: Check the Door Alignment

Using a level, check the alignment of the door. It should open and close smoothly without any gaps. Adjust the hinges if necessary to ensure a proper seal.

Step 12: Replace the Plastic Plugs

Insert the plastic plugs into the holes where the hinges were originally located. This helps maintain the fridge's appearance and prevents dust from entering.

Step 13: Reassemble the Fridge

Place the shelves and wine bottles back into the fridge.

Step 14: Plug in the Fridge

Finally, plug the wine fridge back into the power outlet and allow it to return to its optimal temperature before storing your wine bottles.

Additional Tips:

  • Consult the Manual: Refer to your wine fridge’s user manual for any specific instructions or diagrams related to reversing the door swing.
  • Have a Helper: If the door is heavy or the fridge is large, having an extra pair of hands can make the process easier and safer.
  • Check for Leaks: After reversing the door, monitor the fridge for any signs of air leaks which could affect its cooling efficiency. Adjust the door and hinges if necessary to ensure a tight seal.

Whilst you can save £50 by reversing the door yourself, unless you're handy we really recommend letting a professional reverse the door for you as any damage caused by the door reversal being done improperly could also invalidate the warranty.

This final blog post on the Top 5 wine fridge features ends this series.

Sarah newton

Author - Sarah Newton

Sarah Newton has worked in the wine industry for two decades holding senior positions at some of the UK wine industry's leading brands. The MD of Coolersomm, Sarah is WSET certified and our lead wine buyer too.