Integrated wine fridge door

Fully integrated wine fridge doors

Placing a fully integrated wine fridge into kitchen cabinetry has become a popular trend in modern kitchen design, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing look. One crucial aspect of this integration is attaching doors to integrated appliances, ensuring they blend harmoniously with the surrounding cabinetry. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of attaching a door to an integrated appliance, demystifying the seemingly complex task.

It's always logical to firstly consult the manual and technical drawing of the manufacturer before attempting to install the door. However, our guide is also worth a read.

Materials Needed:

Before embarking on the integration journey, gather the following materials:

  1. Integrated appliance
  2. Cabinet door(s)
  3. Hinges
  4. Screwdriver/drill
  5. Measuring tape
  6. Pencil
  7. Level
  8. Screws
  9. Adjustable wrench
  10. Safety gear (gloves and safety glasses)

Step 1: Choose the Right Hinges

Selecting the appropriate hinges is crucial for a smooth integration process. Most integrated appliances come with specific hinge recommendations from the manufacturer. Ensure that the hinges are durable, appropriately sized, and compatible with both the appliance and the cabinet door.

Step 2: Measure and Mark

Accurate measurements are the foundation of a successful integration. Measure the dimensions of the appliance and mark the position on the cabinet where the door will be attached. Use a pencil and level to ensure precise markings.

Step 3: Position the Hinges

Based on your appliance's specifications and the markings on the cabinet, position the hinges. Typically, two hinges are used for integrated appliances, with one located at the top and the other at the bottom. Align the hinge holes with the marked positions.

Fully Integrated Door Hanging

Step 4: Pre-Drill Holes

Using a drill or screwdriver, pre-drill holes for the screws that will secure the hinges to both the appliance and the cabinet door. Pre-drilling prevents the wood from splitting and ensures a more secure attachment.

Step 5: Attach Hinges to Appliance

Secure the hinges to the appliance using the pre-drilled holes. Tighten the screws with a screwdriver or drill, ensuring a firm connection. Check that the appliance door opens and closes smoothly.

Step 6: Attach Hinges to Cabinet Door

With the appliance door securely attached, it's time to connect the hinges to the cabinet door. Hold the door in place and secure the hinges with screws. Use a level to confirm that the door is perfectly aligned.

Step 7: Adjust Hinge Alignment

If the door isn't closing properly or is misaligned, use an adjustable wrench to tweak the hinge position slightly. This step may require some patience and fine-tuning to achieve the desired fit.

Step 8: Test and Make Final Adjustments

Open and close the integrated appliance door multiple times to test its functionality. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure a smooth and precise operation. Check the alignment and make final tweaks if needed.

Attaching a door to an integrated appliance might seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools, materials, and careful attention to detail, it can be a rewarding and achievable DIY project. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can seamlessly integrate your appliances into your kitchen cabinetry, enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of your space. Remember to consult the appliance manufacturer's guidelines and seek professional help if you encounter any challenges beyond your comfort level. Happy integrating!

Best brands of fully integrated wine fridges?

The best brands for kitchen appliances in the wine fridge world are Dunavox, Liebherr, mQuvee and EuroCave wine fridges.

What other types of wine fridges are there?

If you don't want to place your wine fridge into carpentry then a freestanding wine fridge is a good option. Another decision you'll need to make to make is whether the fridge should be just for service or whether a wine storage cabinet would make more sense. Finally, do you need a dual zone wine fridge or just a single zone? Take a look at your collection to decide.

Sarah newton

Author - Sarah Newton

Sarah Newton has worked in the wine industry for two decades holding senior positions at some of the UK wine industry's leading brands. The MD of Coolersomm, Sarah is WSET certified and our lead wine buyer too.